Sarah is a member of the Maison Antoine Vitez, international centre for drama translation. She currently coordinates its English reading committee.
- Kindness by Matthew Wittet (play translated with the support of Creative Australia and Maison Antoine Vitez)
- The Human Ear by Alexandra Wood (play co-translated with Dominique Hollier)
- The Man Jesus by Matthew Hurt
- Shimmer by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier)
- Never Vera Blue by Alexandra Wood
Rehearsed reading directed by Michel Didym at Mousson d’été 2020 (starring Isabelle Carré)
- Glory on Earth by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier)
Directed by Maelle Poésy (produced by CDN Dijon, school tour 2022)
- Elephant’s Graveyard by George Brant (play co-translated with Dominique Hollier, with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez)
- Revolt. She said. revolt again. by Alice Birch
Directed by Arnaud Anckaert, Comédie de Béthune, February 2016.
- Sex&God by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier)
Translation published by Actes Sud-Papiers, 2015.
- Every Five Minutes by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier as part of a translation residency at La Chartreuse, Centre nationale des écritures du spectacles, Villeneuve-lez-Avignon)
Reahearsed reading directed by Béla Czuppon, Théâtre La Baignoire, Montpellier, 2015.
- born bad by debbie tucker green (play co-translated with Blandine Gisèle Joly and Sophie Magnaud, with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez)
Rehearsed reading at the Comédie Française, directed by Sylvia Bergé, 2013.
at Théâtre National de la Colline, directed by Sophie Loucachevsky, 2013.
at festival de la Mousson d’été, directed by Véronique Lagarde, 2013.
Full production directed by Sébastien Derray (co-produced by MC3 93 and Théâtre Natioal de Strasbourg)
Translation published by Editions Théâtrales, 2020.
- What Love Is by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier)
Translation published by Actes Sud-Papiers, 2015.
- Any Given Day by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier, with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez)
Published by Actes Sud-Papiers, 2015.
Directed by Blandine Pélissier at Théâtre du Lucernaire, Paris, 2015.
- strangers, babies by Linda McLean (play co-translated with Blandine Pélissier, with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez, awarded a production grant by the French ministry of culture) Translation published by Théâtre Ouvert, collection Tapuscrits, 2011.
Directed by Stuart Seide at Théâtre du Nord, Lille, and Théâtre Ouvert, Paris, 2013.
- The Eleventh Capital by Alexandra Wood (play translated with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez, awarded a production grant by the French ministry of culture)
Translation published by Editions Théâtrales, 2010.
- Night of the soul by David Farr (play translated with the support of the Maison Antoine Vitez and of the Paris British Council)
- Dinner by Moira Buffini (play co-translated with Isabelle Kérisit)
- Handbag by Mark Ravenhill
- Believe by Matthew Hurt
- Singing! Dancing! Acting! by Matthew Hurt
- Mammals by Amelia Bullmore (play co-translated with Dominique Hollier)
- A Raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry (in collaboration with Samuel Legitimus)
Translation published by L’Arche, 2022.
- After Liverpool by James Saunders (in collaboration avec Valérie Da Mota)
Directed by Isabelle Kérisit, at Théâtre du Zanzibar Café and Théâtre Maurice Ravel, 2004.
*FROM FRENCH INTO ENGLISH (in collaboration with Matthew Hurt)
- Le mardi à Monoprix by Emmanuel Darley
Directed by Simon Stokes, Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, 2011 (2011 Edinburg Fringe Festival, with Simon Callow. Winner of Fringe First and Herald Angel) and New York production in 2015 at 59E59 Theaters.
- Par la nuit by Jean-Luc Raharimanana (surtitles for Laterit Productions / Rotterdam Film Festival)
- Seuls by Wajdi Mouawad (surtitles for the Avignon Festival)
- Les cauchemars du gecko by Jean-Luc Raharimanana (surtitles for the Avignon Festival)
- Les inepties volantes by Dieudonné Niangouna (surtitles for the Avignon Festival)
- Vie et mort d’une parole ordinaire by Laure Salama (for the International Workshop